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segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010


The world is in a chaos as we see it today, the challenges that confront the world today seem to be far beyond man’s ability to bring solutions in order to curb and to mitigate the effects of the challenges that mankind is faced with. The world as it is today is in a desperate search for answers and for solutions for the most daring problems that she is faced with. Yet such answers and solutions to the problems of mankind seem to be far from the reach of the most learned person. It is important to note that the most intelligent and learned persons that the most acclaimed institutions of knowledge have ever produced are unable to provide lasting solutions to the glaring challenges that society is faced with. The reason for such is that the root and the origin of the challenges that society is faced with are not from an intellectual or natural source, therefore, the inability to perpetually sole the issues. The greatest attempts that have been made to mitigate the effects of the challenges that we are faced with today, have proven to be futile, because they are unable to bring lasting change and permanent solutions to mankind.


It is vitally important that we realize that the source of the challenges presently facing society is of spiritual nature and not a natural one. Therefore, this explains why the greatest theories that the manufacturers of knowledge have ever brought do not seen to work, because one cannot solve spiritual dilemmas with a temporary fallible human solution. Spiritual challenges are to be dealt with lasting spiritual solutions. The second reason the answers presented do not work and will never work, is because they are being presented by fallen humans that are functioning in a fallen state. Therefore, the answers they present lack the ability and the power to effectively curb the effects of the problems that society is faced with. If the fountain that brings the solution is corrupt whatever comes and proceeds from it is automatically corrupt.


It is important to note that the very solutions that men have so desperately attempted to bring cannot provide humans with the effective change that they are searching for. The best that these answers can do is to manage and to mitigate its effects but not to eradicate them. Therefore its very nature becomes a cosmetic one, it resembles the appearance of having worked until a bigger challenge comes and the former is subject to the test just to fail once again. It\is important to note that fallen human beings have no capacity to bring lasting answers and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The answer for such can only be found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ indwelling in the life of the believers. It will take therefore, believers with the indwelling Spirit of God swelling in them to bring lasting solutions to the ever growing challenges of our failing humanity.

One of the greatest deceptions of all times has been to think that by offering religion to human beings that would help solve the problems, but that is far from the truth. The best religion could offer is lopsided people and more problems to the world. If you look at the state of the world today you will see that religion has one of the greatest culprits in the creation of problems in the world in which we live. From sectarianism to civil wars, some civil wars in the world have started in the name of religion. The best that religion can do is to distance men from God get closer to him.

The answer for the challenging dilemmas of the world can only be found in Christ, He is the way the truth and the life. There is no one who can better prefer solutions and answers to the world’s problems but Christ. The Bible says that in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, meaning that the very answer to the problems of the world are hidden in Him. We cannot bring solutions to the world unless we are connected to the very source that provides lasting solutions. Every solution that we may attempt to bring outside of Christ will only last for a season. Christ is the beginning and the end, only He can bring the necessary answers to the problems of humanity.

The world is in a chaos as we see it today, the challenges that confront the world today seem to be far beyond man’s ability to bring solutions in order to curb and to mitigate the effects of the challenges that mankind is faced with. The world as it is today is in a desperate search for answers and for solutions for the most daring problems that she is faced with. Yet such answers and solutions to the problems of mankind seem to be far from the reach of the most learned person. It is important to note that the most intelligent and learned persons that the most acclaimed institutions of knowledge have ever produced are unable to provide lasting solutions to the glaring challenges that society is faced with. The reason for such is that the root and the origin of the challenges that society is faced with are not from an intellectual or natural source, therefore, the inability to perpetually sole the issues. The greatest attempts that have been made to mitigate the effects of the challenges that we are faced with today, have proven to be futile, because they are unable to bring lasting change and permanent solutions to mankind.


It is vitally important that we realize that the source of the challenges presently facing society is of spiritual nature and not a natural one. Therefore, this explains why the greatest theories that the manufacturers of knowledge have ever brought do not seen to work, because one cannot solve spiritual dilemmas with a temporary fallible human solution. Spiritual challenges are to be dealt with lasting spiritual solutions. The second reason the answers presented do not work and will never work, is because they are being presented by fallen humans that are functioning in a fallen state. Therefore, the answers they present lack the ability and the power to effectively curb the effects of the problems that society is faced with. If the fountain that brings the solution is corrupt whatever comes and proceeds from it is automatically corrupt.


It is important to note that the very solutions that men have so desperately attempted to bring cannot provide humans with the effective change that they are searching for. The best that these answers can do is to manage and to mitigate its effects but not to eradicate them. Therefore its very nature becomes a cosmetic one, it resembles the appearance of having worked until a bigger challenge comes and the former is subject to the test just to fail once again. It\is important to note that fallen human beings have no capacity to bring lasting answers and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The answer for such can only be found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ indwelling in the life of the believers. It will take therefore, believers with the indwelling Spirit of God swelling in them to bring lasting solutions to the ever growing challenges of our failing humanity.


One of the greatest deceptions of all times has been to think that by offering religion to human beings that would help solve the problems, but that is far from the truth. The best religion could offer is lopsided people and more problems to the world. If you look at the state of the world today you will see that religion has one of the greatest culprits in the creation of problems in the world in which we live. From sectarianism to civil wars, some civil wars in the world have started in the name of religion. The best that religion can do is to distance men from God get closer to him.


The answer for the challenging dilemmas of the world can only be found in Christ, He is the way the truth and the life. There is no one who can better prefer solutions and answers to the world’s problems but Christ. The Bible says that in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, meaning that the very answer to the problems of the world are hidden in Him. We cannot bring solutions to the world unless we are connected to the very source that provides lasting solutions. Every solution that we may attempt to bring outside of Christ will only last for a season. Christ is the beginning and the end, only He can bring the necessary answers to the problems of humanity.

The world is in a chaos as we see it today, the challenges that confront the world today seem to be far beyond man’s ability to bring solutions in order to curb and to mitigate the effects of the challenges that mankind is faced with. The world as it is today is in a desperate search for answers and for solutions for the most daring problems that she is faced with. Yet such answers and solutions to the problems of mankind seem to be far from the reach of the most learned person. It is important to note that the most intelligent and learned persons that the most acclaimed institutions of knowledge have ever produced are unable to provide lasting solutions to the glaring challenges that society is faced with. The reason for such is that the root and the origin of the challenges that society is faced with are not from an intellectual or natural source, therefore, the inability to perpetually sole the issues. The greatest attempts that have been made to mitigate the effects of the challenges that we are faced with today, have proven to be futile, because they are unable to bring lasting change and permanent solutions to mankind.


It is vitally important that we realize that the source of the challenges presently facing society is of spiritual nature and not a natural one. Therefore, this explains why the greatest theories that the manufacturers of knowledge have ever brought do not seen to work, because one cannot solve spiritual dilemmas with a temporary fallible human solution. Spiritual challenges are to be dealt with lasting spiritual solutions. The second reason the answers presented do not work and will never work, is because they are being presented by fallen humans that are functioning in a fallen state. Therefore, the answers they present lack the ability and the power to effectively curb the effects of the problems that society is faced with. If the fountain that brings the solution is corrupt whatever comes and proceeds from it is automatically corrupt.

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